Janhunen Juha Antero

Juha Janhunen
Ph.D., Linguistics ассоциированный сотрудник
ассоциированный сотрудник



Short biography


Graduated from Helsinki University (Finland) in 1973 (BA), 1976 (MA), 1983 (Lic.Phil.), 1986 (PhD) where he studied Uralistics and Altaistics. Also studies at the universities of Szeged (Hungary) 1974 and Hokkaido (Sapporo, Japan) 1978-79. Main fields of interests: Samoyedic, Mongolic, Tungusic languages, historical linguistics, areal linguistics, phonology, reconstruction.


Assistant in Finno-Ugrian studies at Helsinki university in 1973-85, research fellow of the Academy of Finland 1985-94 and professor of languages and cultures of Eastern Asia at Helsinki university 1994-2020. Visiting fellow at National Museum of Ethnology (Minpaku, Osaka) 1985-86, 1994-1995, Hokkaido University 2001, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies 2007. Regular research visits to the Academy of Sciences of the USSR/Russian Federation (department of Altaic languages, department of Samoyedic and Paleoasiatic languages) since 1977


Membership in associations: Academia Europaea (2008), Hungarian Academy of Sciences (honorary member 2013), Eurasian Academy of Sciences (2015), Inner Mongolia University (honorary professor 1998), Finno-Ugrian Society (honorary member 2013), Finnish Oriental Society (honorary member 2020).


Fieldwork: Siberia and Mongolia (1976-2023), Manchuria (1986-1994), Gan-Su and Kuku-Nor (1996-2009), Far East of Russia (2014-2019)



1972-2012: http://www.sgr.fi/sust/sust264/sust264_bibliography.pdf

2000-2022: Helsinki Reseach Database TUHAT

selected publications online: Academia.edu