миниатюра Милятина евангелия

Мольков Г. А. Особенности письма новгородского писца Домки XII века: орфографические аргументы тождества почерков Милятина евангелия и Лазаревского паримейника // Славянское и балканское языкознание. Вып. 22: Палеославистика – 4: Международная коллективная монография / Институт славяноведения РАН; отв. ред. В. С. Ефимова. Москва, 2022. С. 242–251.

The article shows that the identification of the handwritings of the manuscripts of the Lazarevsky Monastery, carried out in a recent study by S. M. Mikheev, is reliably confirmed by spelling arguments. In the handwriting of the Paroemiarion Lazarevsky, there are a number of recognizable particular features in the writing of individual orthograms (the distribution of e and ѣ in morphemes with the reflex of the combination *tert, the peculiarities of writing ъ, ь in some bases, of the ts–ch merger etc.), previously described based on the handwriting of the scribe Domka in Milyatino Gospel. The identified complex of coinciding spelling features is compared with the data of the third manuscript, one of the handwritings of which S. M. Mikheev attributed to the same scribe – the Service Menaion of the RGADA Typographic Collection, No. 99. Affiliation of the Service Menaion’s handwriting to the same scribe as the passages of the first two manuscripts at the spelling level is not confirmed.