Мольков Г. А. Написания еров на конце строки в Ассеманиевом евангелии // Linguistica Brunensia. 2013. № 1–2 (61). С. 111–121.

Мольков Г. А. Написания еров на конце строки в Ассеманиевом евангелии // Linguistica Brunensia. 2013. № 1–2 (61). С. 111–121.

The article is dedicated to the description of the Old Slavic manuscript – Codex Assemanius – in the orthographic aspect. The analysis of the end-line writings of the jers allows correcting the traditional opinion that the reduced vowels dropped in the scribe’s colloquial speech. The writings without the jer-letters sharply prevail at the end of the lines, and morphemes written without the jer-letters (especially flexions) as a rule are written with the jers in all other positions. Taking into account the developed system of different types of abbreviation in the manuscript it is possible to consider the drops of the jer-letters to be the one kind of abbreviation of Codex Assemanius. The revelation of this orthographic feature of the scribe helps to explore the reduced vowels in the weak positions.