Мольков Г. А. Ранние древнерусские примеры нового ятя и материал Лазаревского паримейника // Годишник на Софийския университет “Св. Климент Охридски” център за славяно-византийски проучвания “Иван Дуйчев”. Т. 102 (21). 2021. С. 401–406.

Мольков Г. А. Ранние древнерусские примеры нового ятя и материал Лазаревского паримейника // Годишник на Софийския университет “Св. Климент Охридски” център за славяно-византийски проучвания “Иван Дуйчев”. Т. 102 (21). 2021. С. 401–406.

The question of the reflection of the new yat’ in Old Russian manuscripts of the early period is complicated by the existence of spelling systems with a mixture of the letters е and ѣ. To establish the nature of spellings with non-etymological ѣ, it seems important to have a set of positions in which it occurs in handwriting. One of the manuscripts that contain the earliest examples of the new yat’, according to our observations, is the Lazarev Paroemiarion (Russian State Archive of Ancient Acts, Tip. 50) of the mid-12th century. An analysis of spellings with the replacement of е by ѣ in one of his handwritings shows their presence in the exponential set of positions. The different frequency of spellings with non-etymological ѣ in specific positions is associated, in our opinion, with the early stage of the influence of this phonetic phenomenon on book spelling.